Municipal Engineering
Municipal Engineering
GradyMinor is a dynamic firm, with a large number of highly experienced engineers that are well known for rolling their sleeves up and solving challenges quickly and adapting to challenges without affecting project schedules or budgets. On all projects we work tirelessly to ensure budgets and schedules are maintained. GradyMinor has successfully designed large and small pressurized main relocations; subaqueous and aerial pipeline crossings (including crossings of navigable canals and Interstate 75); new pump stations; pump station rehabilitations; wastewater gravity main systems; treatment plant refurbishments, upgrades, and expansions; sidewalks, roadways, intersections expansions and improvements; complete streets improvements; and storm water conveyance, detention, and treatment systems. We perform in-house hydraulic modeling and keep up to date with new materials, equipment, and construction techniques.
GradyMinor’s professionals have a firm understanding of Local Standards, Details, Specifications, Codes; Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Florida Department of Environmental (FDEP), and Florida Water Management District requirements and standards. GradyMinor is prequalified in FDOT work types 3.1 (Minor Highway Design), 3.2 (Major Highway Design), 7.1 (Signing, Pavement Marking, and Channelization), 8.1 (Control Survey), 8.2 (Design, Right-of-Way, and Construction Surveying), and 13.6 (Land Planning/Engineering).
Our municipal services include:
- Technical studies and reports
- Surveying
- Preliminary engineering
- Hydraulic modeling
- Pipeline and pump station design
- Stormwater conveyance and treatment design
- Transportation design, including complete streets and roundabouts
- Permitting
- Design
- Cost estimating
- Construction Administration
- Construction Engineering & Inspection (CEI)
- Project Management
- Public Involvement

Daniel Flynn, P.E., PTOE
Director of Municipal Engineering, Project Manager

Justin Frederiksen, P.E.
President, Project Manager

Alex Dunko, P.E.
Project Manager

Daydee Albeirus, E.I.
Project Engineer

Eddwie Perez-Arriaga, E.I.
Project Engineer

Frankie Warburton
Project Engineer
Recent Projects
Naples Park Public Utility Renewal
The Naples Park Public Utility Renewal (PUR) Project is a multi-year program that includes the replacement of water, wastewater, stormwater, and roadway systems that servcie the residents and businesses within Naples Park from 111th Avenue North to 91st Avenue North between Tamiami Trail and Vanderbilt Drive, encompassing approximately 900 acres. The majority of the infrastructure within Naples Park was installed between 1960 and 1980 and consists primarily of vitrified clay sanitary sewer mains and laterals; Asbestos Cement (AC) water mains; galvanized water service piping; and reinforced concrete and corrugated metal stormwater piping. GradyMinor is contracted by Collier County to provide preliminary engineering, surveying, design, permitting, bidding, construction administration, public relations, and asset onboarding for water, wastewater, stormwater, and roadway improvements for the Naples Park PUR Project.
Veterans Memorial Boulevard Extension (Phase 1) Design/Build
GradyMinor is the Engineer of Record for the Veterans Memorial Boulevard Extension (Phase 1) Design/Build Project that will extend Veterans Memorial Boulevard from Livingston Road to a new Collier County high school. The four-lane, median divided roadway is currently under construction and will have eleven-foot travel lanes (two lanes in each direction), a raised median (variable in width), five-foot-wide on-street bike lanes, and six-foot-wide concrete sidewalks on both sides of the roadway with curb and gutter. Additionally, the project includes upgrading the existing signal at the intersection of Livingston Road and Veterans Memorial Boulevard; two new signalized intersections (one at Vetrans Memorial Elementary School and one at the future high school); roadway lighting; stormwater management ponds (wet and dry detention); and water and wastewater main extensions and improvements.
I-75 & Collier Boulevard Utility Relocation Design/Build
GradyMinor was the Engineer of Record and Construction Administrator for the I-75 & Collier Boulevard Utility Relocation Design-Build project which included installation of over 20,000 LF of water main piping, varying in size up to 36″ HDPE. The project was broken into nine segments and included both open cut and Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD), including a 36″ HDD under I-75 and under the SFWMD’s Henderson Creek. The Project required the acceleration of the survey, design, and permitting in order to be completed ahead of the FDOT’s improvements at I-75 & Collier Boulevard and ultimately the project was completed ahead of schedule. Additionally, the project required multiple easements and extensive coordination with surrounding residents, businesses, and key stakeholders.
8th Street Improvements
GradyMinor was contracted by the City of Naples to design complete street, multimodal roadway, utility (water, wastewater, and reuse), stormwater, landscape, irrigation, and improvements along 8th Street from 7th Avenue North to 5th Avenue South and along 3rd Avenue South from 8th Street to US 41. 8th Street is a north/south corridor extending through City of Naples’s downtown area and runs parallel to U.S. 41. The City of Naples Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) identified this corridor as a critical link for their bicycle and pedestrian connectivity within their downtown area due to the future development in this area and a critical link to connect the newly constructed Greenway to their downtown. Included in this project was the strategic use of buffered bicycle lanes, 8′ wide sidewalks, horizontal and vertical deflections to help with traffic calming and keyhole slot design along the right turn lanes along the corridor.